Home FAQ


Forgot password for my account How do I retrieve it?

You can get a password through the site’s home page.
Click on “Forgot Password” then write down the email you registered with and then click “Send”. A few minutes and you will receive a password on your email.

How can I complain to a subscriber?

If you experience any abuse or notice any violation of the site’s terms and conditions, just contact the administration.
In order to be able to assist you and stop violators, your message should contain all the necessary information such as:
1. Type the name of the subscriber correctly, or copy the link to their page.
2. Explain the problem or type of violation.
3. Add evidence to the complaint, to take the necessary action with all seriousness and seriousness. Example of directories, screen image or message.
NOTE: The process may take some time to confirm the information.

Complain to the subscriber?


How do I complain to a subscriber who abused me through chatting?

If you have been abused or noticed any violation of the site’s terms and conditions, simply notify the administration.
Send a message to the site management with
1. Send some details so that we can document the information sent.
2. You must copy the name from the subscriber’s page or send the link to its page
3. It is advisable to send some directories as well.
Site management thanks you for your cooperation to make the site better.

Complain to the subscriber?

How do I delete messages?

Messages are deleted either individually or collectively as desired.
Delete individual: When you enter the message list you will find at the bottom of the message Note Delete the selected message.
Delete collective. After selecting the selected messages you can delete them from the list at the bottom of the page.

Click here to delete the messages you want

How do I register a site account?

To create an account on the site, you can register through the homepage of the website.
To successfully complete the registration process, please fill in the required information and ensure that the e-mail is written correctly.

How do I register a site account

Is it possible to write my phone number or private email?

To maintain the privacy policy and protect the personal information of subscribers, you are never allowed to request or write email, phone number, or any similar personal information in your account.

Why did not I receive the password on my email yet?

Sending the password to your email may take some time. Please check the junk / spam box.

Why did not my image appear in the data after the upload?

The image is subject to upload by admin. The image appears in your data as soon as there is no kind of violation of the attached conditions on the Images page. Supervision may take up to 24 hours.

Why did not the registration process complete?

If registration is not successful, just rewrite the information correctly.

Click here to complete the registration process

Why did you reject my picture?

When images are uploaded, they are monitored and if they violate the site’s rules and conditions, they are rejected. Please review the rules on the Images page. In case you do not see a reason to decline your photos. You can send photos to the website’s email and will be reviewed and will tell you why the images were rejected.